SCC Starbucks Ride
A 35 mile ride from GA-20 south toward Griffin, around Hampton and back.
Big Dam Ride
A scenic 63 mile ride from Locust Grove around Lake Jackson and back.
SCC Century
This is a map of the course for the proposed Southern Crescent Cycling Century ride.
Epic Pomona Bike Route Epic Hillview Bike Route:
Links to Club Ride Maps
SCC Burrito Ride (26.33M)
SCC 3 Gaps (53.28M)
SCC 3 Gaps (53.28M)
Printable Club Ride Maps
Map Title, Description and Distance
Ride With GPS
Checkout our RidewithGPS account for our local ride routes. There are over 30 maps most of which start and finish at either Epic Bikes on Jonesboro Road or Atlanta Trek on GA-20. Both bike shops are considered being in McDonough, Georgia.
Ride Leader Responsibilities
A list of things that a ride leader needs to know:
1. Follow SCC Safety Policy outline -Encourage all riders to carry I.D.
2. Know the route and keep aware of time and weather. (Watch for pop up storms and be aware of daylight-due to time changes)
3. Make a count, before your ride starts, of the number of people you have in your group.
4. Be careful to set a pace that will attain an AVERAGE speed as close as possible to the designated ride speed.
5. Check frequently during the course of your ride that all riders that you started with are still with you and they can maintain the pace you are setting.
6. If some riders insist on going at an accelerated pace (faster than the designated speed), let them go. Do not try to speed up ride to accommodate them. They are on their own.
7. If necessary to check on the condition, status and/or location of stragglers stop your ride at a convenient location and regroup. Regrouping points are at stop signs and when the route changes roads.
8. Do not under any circumstances; abandon anyone on your ride. You must bring back or be able to account for, every rider on your ride.
9. If one of your riders has a physical (e.g. falls, bee sting, etc.) or mechanical (e.g. flat tire, broken spoke, etc.) problem, you should do one of the following:
a. Stop the ride and if the problem can be solved in a reasonable period of time (use your own judgment here), resume your ride when the rider who had the problem is able to continue.
b. Try to get a volunteer who knows the way back to stay with the rider until he/she is ready to return to the start.
c. If problem cannot be solved in the field and rider must be picked up, make whatever arrangements must be made to pick them up in a vehicle.
d. Use your best judgment if problem is more serious. If you were the person involved, how would you want it handled?
10. In summation you should:
a. Follow safety policy.
b. Know route/be aware of time and weather.
c. Make a count and check on your riders frequently.
d. Set a pace in accordance with designated average speed.
Download this list here.
1. Follow SCC Safety Policy outline -Encourage all riders to carry I.D.
2. Know the route and keep aware of time and weather. (Watch for pop up storms and be aware of daylight-due to time changes)
3. Make a count, before your ride starts, of the number of people you have in your group.
4. Be careful to set a pace that will attain an AVERAGE speed as close as possible to the designated ride speed.
5. Check frequently during the course of your ride that all riders that you started with are still with you and they can maintain the pace you are setting.
6. If some riders insist on going at an accelerated pace (faster than the designated speed), let them go. Do not try to speed up ride to accommodate them. They are on their own.
7. If necessary to check on the condition, status and/or location of stragglers stop your ride at a convenient location and regroup. Regrouping points are at stop signs and when the route changes roads.
8. Do not under any circumstances; abandon anyone on your ride. You must bring back or be able to account for, every rider on your ride.
9. If one of your riders has a physical (e.g. falls, bee sting, etc.) or mechanical (e.g. flat tire, broken spoke, etc.) problem, you should do one of the following:
a. Stop the ride and if the problem can be solved in a reasonable period of time (use your own judgment here), resume your ride when the rider who had the problem is able to continue.
b. Try to get a volunteer who knows the way back to stay with the rider until he/she is ready to return to the start.
c. If problem cannot be solved in the field and rider must be picked up, make whatever arrangements must be made to pick them up in a vehicle.
d. Use your best judgment if problem is more serious. If you were the person involved, how would you want it handled?
10. In summation you should:
a. Follow safety policy.
b. Know route/be aware of time and weather.
c. Make a count and check on your riders frequently.
d. Set a pace in accordance with designated average speed.
Download this list here.
Safe Riding Enforcement Procedure
If members observe others riding unsafely, they should communicate their concerns privately to the offenders.
If there is no change in the conduct of concern, or if those concerns are not received constructively, the rider observing the conduct is encouraged to report it to the Ride Leader. The Ride Leader will share this information with the Club President and Officers; they will investigate the issue and will use their judgment as to the seriousness of the offense. If they deem it to be warranted, they will speak to the offender about the conduct in question and request that he or she observe safer riding habits on Club rides.
If the offending rider is reported again for unsafe practices, the Ride Leader and Club President will investigate and may choose to warn the repeat offender, either verbally or in writing, of the possibility of membership suspension if the conduct continues. Or, commensurate with the situation, they may immediately recommend to the Board a suspension of the rider's membership in the Club for up to 6 months.
If after the end of such suspension, a rider re-offends, his or her membership in the Club will be indefinitely revoked. He or she may reapply to the Board of Directors for membership after one year. In this case the member may be asked to reapply in writing or to attend a Board meeting, at the option of the Board.
Please keep the goals of the club and the intent of this initiative in mind: we are here to enjoy safe and pleasurable riding with companionship. None of us is perfect - we all on occasion violate safe riding practices. We want to support each other in minimizing these occurrences while maintaining our environment of enjoyable and safe riding.
If there is no change in the conduct of concern, or if those concerns are not received constructively, the rider observing the conduct is encouraged to report it to the Ride Leader. The Ride Leader will share this information with the Club President and Officers; they will investigate the issue and will use their judgment as to the seriousness of the offense. If they deem it to be warranted, they will speak to the offender about the conduct in question and request that he or she observe safer riding habits on Club rides.
If the offending rider is reported again for unsafe practices, the Ride Leader and Club President will investigate and may choose to warn the repeat offender, either verbally or in writing, of the possibility of membership suspension if the conduct continues. Or, commensurate with the situation, they may immediately recommend to the Board a suspension of the rider's membership in the Club for up to 6 months.
If after the end of such suspension, a rider re-offends, his or her membership in the Club will be indefinitely revoked. He or she may reapply to the Board of Directors for membership after one year. In this case the member may be asked to reapply in writing or to attend a Board meeting, at the option of the Board.
Please keep the goals of the club and the intent of this initiative in mind: we are here to enjoy safe and pleasurable riding with companionship. None of us is perfect - we all on occasion violate safe riding practices. We want to support each other in minimizing these occurrences while maintaining our environment of enjoyable and safe riding.
SCC 2015 "Rules of the Road"
In order to provide a safe environment for all riders, there is a need to establish a set of rules for the SCC Group Rides. In the past, SCC has always had issues where riders ignored the group ride etiquette and caused serious safety concerns for all riders in the group. In some cases, accidents were the result of erratic behavior. The best way to accomplish the SCC Rules of the Road is for each rider to honestly assess what they want from each ride and then honestly evaluate their riding capabilities. Each rider can use this assessment to place themselves in a group that will facilitate reaching that goal for that ride. Whether you want to be challenged or just have an easy day on the bike, SCC wants to provide the environment for you to safely succeed.
SCC Group Definitions for 2015.
Group D: This group is for inexperienced first time/guest riders or a rider that prefers to ride with this group. The group will introduce riders to the basics of a pace line within the group. This group’s average speed will be 15 mph and below. This group will be focused on establishing and following the group rules to promote safety first. Ride distance will be between 8-12 miles in length. All rides are NO DROP rides. Everybody finishes together on every ride.
Group C: This group is for the rider moving towards a high recreational level of fitness and works very well within a group. The average speed of this group is 16-18 mph. Ride distance will be between 20–25 miles. This group always has NO DROP rides. Everybody finishes together on every ride. This group will use more structured pace lining where rotation off the front is faster in order to maintain the groups designated pace for the ride and to promote safety and efficiency.
Group B: This group requires a rider with a level of fitness above a recreational level of fitness and works well within a group. The average speed of this group is between 18-20 mph. Ride distances will be the same as the Level 1 group as the two groups will ride the same route. This will allow for anybody dropped from the first group to ride to the end with a group and not be out on the road by themselves. This group does not have sprint zones.
Group A: The rider is looking to perform at the highest level of fitness within the SCC club. The average speed will be 20+ and the ride distance is 25+. This group will have drop rides and riders are expected to know how to get back to the start point if and or when they drop. They have sprint zones and will regroup, into a tight pace line, immediately after each sprint zone. The Ride Leader for the ride will determine, prior to arriving at the sprint zone, if the sprint can be completed safely and without impeding other vehicles on the road.
SCC Group Ride Rules.
1. Monday & Thursday will be No Drop rides. Tuesday & Wednesday will be Drop rides.
2. The SCC rides are private club events and are intended for members or guests of a member.
3. All riders will assemble at the start point, 15 minutes in advance of the established ride start time and form into the group(s) they desire to ride that day.
4. If a rider has no idea as to where they should ride, they will be placed into the Group D. If the cyclist is experienced, an individual assessment by a Ride Leader (RL) is required.
5. If a rider decides to ride in a slower group, the rider is expected to sit in the group’s pace and pace line at the rear of the group. SCC has had a long standing safety issue with stronger and more experienced riders, wanting an easier day, blowing up slower groups with attacks during the ride. We want to eliminate this behavior in order to provide a better experience for all riders, in all groups.
6. If any group has more than 15 riders, the group will be broken down into at least two groups with no group having more than 15 riders. The groups will depart with the fastest group leaving first. The Ride Leader and Sweeper will be included in the 15 limit.
7. All groups will employ a pace line with rotations off of the front to the back. If a rider does not want to be in the pulling position, at the front, they must stay in the back and not cycle up through the pace line. As each rider comes off the front to the back, the non-pulling rider(s) at the back must allow the pulling riders to get back in the pace line in front of them. This will be enforced by the RL. Riders in the front will rotate every 30 seconds.
8. A RL will always be established for each group prior to departing the start point.
9. All riders must follow the RL’s directions. Failure to follow the RL’s direction and creating a safety issue will be addressed. The sweeper will be responsible for accounting for all riders.
10. The RL will be in the back of the group for observation purposes. They are the only rider not required to be in the pace line during the ride. RLs are required to keep the group in a pace line throughout the ride. The sweeper and the RL will have zip ties affixed to their helmet supplied by the club at the beginning of each ride to identify them to the group.
11. Under no circumstances, a rider will cross into the oncoming traffic lane during a group ride.
12. All traffic rules and signs will be followed. This means obeying all Stop signs and lights. Remember, you are considered a vehicle under the rules of the state of Georgia. You can and will be ticketed by the police for not obeying traffic laws. We have a good working relationship with Henry County. By following the rules of the road, we can change the perception that many motorists have of cyclists.
Recommendations for riders in the SCC Group Rides.
1. A Road ID is highly recommended so if there is a problem each rider will have the necessary and pertinent information readily available. A driver’s license should be carried as well. We also recommend riders carry a cell phone.
2. Every rider is required to wear a helmet and head/ear phones are never allowed on any SCC Group ride.
In order to provide a safe environment for all riders, there is a need to establish a set of rules for the SCC Group Rides. In the past, SCC has always had issues where riders ignored the group ride etiquette and caused serious safety concerns for all riders in the group. In some cases, accidents were the result of erratic behavior. The best way to accomplish the SCC Rules of the Road is for each rider to honestly assess what they want from each ride and then honestly evaluate their riding capabilities. Each rider can use this assessment to place themselves in a group that will facilitate reaching that goal for that ride. Whether you want to be challenged or just have an easy day on the bike, SCC wants to provide the environment for you to safely succeed.
SCC Group Definitions for 2015.
Group D: This group is for inexperienced first time/guest riders or a rider that prefers to ride with this group. The group will introduce riders to the basics of a pace line within the group. This group’s average speed will be 15 mph and below. This group will be focused on establishing and following the group rules to promote safety first. Ride distance will be between 8-12 miles in length. All rides are NO DROP rides. Everybody finishes together on every ride.
Group C: This group is for the rider moving towards a high recreational level of fitness and works very well within a group. The average speed of this group is 16-18 mph. Ride distance will be between 20–25 miles. This group always has NO DROP rides. Everybody finishes together on every ride. This group will use more structured pace lining where rotation off the front is faster in order to maintain the groups designated pace for the ride and to promote safety and efficiency.
Group B: This group requires a rider with a level of fitness above a recreational level of fitness and works well within a group. The average speed of this group is between 18-20 mph. Ride distances will be the same as the Level 1 group as the two groups will ride the same route. This will allow for anybody dropped from the first group to ride to the end with a group and not be out on the road by themselves. This group does not have sprint zones.
Group A: The rider is looking to perform at the highest level of fitness within the SCC club. The average speed will be 20+ and the ride distance is 25+. This group will have drop rides and riders are expected to know how to get back to the start point if and or when they drop. They have sprint zones and will regroup, into a tight pace line, immediately after each sprint zone. The Ride Leader for the ride will determine, prior to arriving at the sprint zone, if the sprint can be completed safely and without impeding other vehicles on the road.
SCC Group Ride Rules.
1. Monday & Thursday will be No Drop rides. Tuesday & Wednesday will be Drop rides.
2. The SCC rides are private club events and are intended for members or guests of a member.
3. All riders will assemble at the start point, 15 minutes in advance of the established ride start time and form into the group(s) they desire to ride that day.
4. If a rider has no idea as to where they should ride, they will be placed into the Group D. If the cyclist is experienced, an individual assessment by a Ride Leader (RL) is required.
5. If a rider decides to ride in a slower group, the rider is expected to sit in the group’s pace and pace line at the rear of the group. SCC has had a long standing safety issue with stronger and more experienced riders, wanting an easier day, blowing up slower groups with attacks during the ride. We want to eliminate this behavior in order to provide a better experience for all riders, in all groups.
6. If any group has more than 15 riders, the group will be broken down into at least two groups with no group having more than 15 riders. The groups will depart with the fastest group leaving first. The Ride Leader and Sweeper will be included in the 15 limit.
7. All groups will employ a pace line with rotations off of the front to the back. If a rider does not want to be in the pulling position, at the front, they must stay in the back and not cycle up through the pace line. As each rider comes off the front to the back, the non-pulling rider(s) at the back must allow the pulling riders to get back in the pace line in front of them. This will be enforced by the RL. Riders in the front will rotate every 30 seconds.
8. A RL will always be established for each group prior to departing the start point.
9. All riders must follow the RL’s directions. Failure to follow the RL’s direction and creating a safety issue will be addressed. The sweeper will be responsible for accounting for all riders.
10. The RL will be in the back of the group for observation purposes. They are the only rider not required to be in the pace line during the ride. RLs are required to keep the group in a pace line throughout the ride. The sweeper and the RL will have zip ties affixed to their helmet supplied by the club at the beginning of each ride to identify them to the group.
11. Under no circumstances, a rider will cross into the oncoming traffic lane during a group ride.
12. All traffic rules and signs will be followed. This means obeying all Stop signs and lights. Remember, you are considered a vehicle under the rules of the state of Georgia. You can and will be ticketed by the police for not obeying traffic laws. We have a good working relationship with Henry County. By following the rules of the road, we can change the perception that many motorists have of cyclists.
Recommendations for riders in the SCC Group Rides.
1. A Road ID is highly recommended so if there is a problem each rider will have the necessary and pertinent information readily available. A driver’s license should be carried as well. We also recommend riders carry a cell phone.
2. Every rider is required to wear a helmet and head/ear phones are never allowed on any SCC Group ride.